B.C. – Insufficiency of Reasons Breached Due Process – #848

In Sound Contracting Ltd. v Campbell River (City), 2024 BCSC 933, the court allowed the set- aside challenge of an arbitral award and remitted the matter to the arbitrator on the basis that the arbitrator had failed in his duty under natural justice to provide adequate reasons. The arbitrator concluded that the arbitration was time-barred but did not explain why he had reached that conclusion. In so doing, the court treated the set-aside challenge as akin to an appeal, where insufficient reasons amount to an error of law. In so doing, the court applied principles in the civil (appeal) and administrative (judicial review) contexts to the set aside of an arbitral award. This stands in contrast to how this issue has been treated internationally, where the matter of whether insufficiency of reasons is a breach of procedural fairness is not well-settled.

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B.C. – No unfairness for procedural irregularity, no jurisdiction to review facts – #763

In Anins v. Anins, 2022 BCCA 441 (leave to appeal refused 2023 CanLII 64855 (SCC)), the Court of Appeal for British Columbia upheld a lower court decision dismissing a petition to set aside a family arbitral award based on errors of law and procedural unfairness. The Court of Appeal agreed with the B.C. Supreme Court that the Arbitrator did not cause any unfairness in failing to make a procedural direction in writing, nor were his reasons insufficient for omitting reference to certain statutory provisions. The Court of Appeal also agreed that the appellant’s grounds for appeal on the merits raised pure questions of fact. These were not appealable under B.C.’s then-applicable domestic arbitration statute.

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B.C. – Inadequate reasons on central issue a breach of natural justice – #740

In Bromley v. Getzie, 2023 BCSC 446 (“Bromley”), Justice Brongers remitted an arbitral award to the Arbitrator for reconsideration as a remedy for the arbitrator’s failure to observe the rules of natural justice, pursuant to s. 30 of the (former) British Columbia Arbitration Act, RSBC 1996, c. 55 (the “Act”). Justice Brongers found that the Arbitrator had breached principles of natural justice because he provided inadequate reasons on a “central issue” in dispute between the parties. This is a rare finding, but one which appears to rely, in part, on principles of natural justice as they relate to applications for judicial review in administrative proceedings. Regrettably, scant reasons are provided regarding the decision of Justice Brongers to order remittance of the matter to the arbitrator, rather than to set aside the award, as a remedy for the breach of natural justice.

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Ontario – Challenge to award for procedural unfairness and insufficient reasons dismissed – #732

In Orion Travel Insurance Co. v. CMN Global Inc., 2023 ONSC 1527, Justice Morgan dismissed an application under sections 45 and 46(1) of Ontario’s Arbitration Act, 1991, SO 1991, c. 17 for leave to appeal and to set aside an arbitral award. Among other things, Justice Morgan rejected the applicant’s argument that it did was denied its “right to be heard” based on the record, finding that this right only affords a party the opportunity to make one’s case—not to re-make one’s case after shortcomings. He also found that the Arbitrator was at liberty to borrow language from the successful party’s written brief, finding that there was no evidence that the Arbitrator lacked independent thought in doing so. In totality, Justice Morgan found the Arbitrator’s reasons intelligible and concise, and that there were no grounds to set aside the award or to grant leave to appeal.

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Ontario – Deferential approach on set-aside application for want of procedural fairness – #723

In Aquanta Group Inc. v. Lightbox Enterprises Ltd., 2023 ONSC 971, Justice Akbarali dismissed an application to set aside an arbitral award on procedural fairness grounds under paragraph 46(1) 6 of the Ontario Arbitration Act, 1991 [the “Act”]. This decision showcases the margin of manoeuver arbitrators enjoy on discretionary procedural decisions. 

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Québec –Property Appraisal Process not Contrary to Public Order– #668

In Hypertech Real Estate Inc. v. Equinix Canada Ltd, 2022 QCCS 3368, Justice Corriveau dismissed an application to annul an arbitral award on the basis that a property appraisal process was “contrary to public order” pursuant to Article 646 of the Québec Code of Civil Procedure (“the CCP”). Under the terms of an option to purchase property (the “Property”), Hypertech Real Estate Inc. (“Hypertech”) and Equinix Canada Ltd. (“Equinix”) submitted appraisal valuations. Purchaser Equinix’s appraisal was some $60,000,000 lower than seller Hypertec’s. In arbitration, Hypertec maintained that Equinix’s appraisal was so flawed it should be excluded from consideration. The arbitral tribunal reviewed the appraisal in “Phase I” of the arbitration and rendered an award finding that the appraisal contained no fundamental flaws. Hypertec unsuccessfully argued before Justice Corriveau that the arbitral tribunal erred in two respects: (1) in its interpretation and application of rules of public order; and (2) that the award reasons were insufficient, which was contrary to public order.  

Continue reading “Québec –Property Appraisal Process not Contrary to Public Order– #668”

Ontario – Standard of review: set aside for applicant’s “inability to present his case” – #596

In Nelson v The Government of the United Mexican States, 2022 ONSC 1193, Justice Penny dismissed Nelson’s application to set aside the award of a three-member tribunal constituted under Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”). Nelson relied upon Article 34(2)(a)(ii) of the Model Law, which allows the court to set aside an award on the basis that the applicant was, “otherwise unable to present his case”. Justice Penny relied upon the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision of Consolidated Contractors Group S.A.L. (Offshore) v. Ambatovy Minerals S.A., 2017 ONCA 939, at para. 65, leave to appeal refused, 2018 CarswellOnt 17927 (S.C.C), which held that the standard of review for setting aside an award under Article 34(2)(a)(ii) is whether the tribunal’s conduct is “sufficiently serious to offend our most basic notions of morality and justice” and “that it cannot be condoned under the law of the enforcing State”.

Continue reading “Ontario – Standard of review: set aside for applicant’s “inability to present his case” – #596”

B.C. – Arbitrator’s Analysis Must not let Factual Matrix Overwhelm Text of Contract – #588

In Grewal v. Mann, 2022 BCCA 30, the British Columbia Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal of an order granting leave to appeal an arbitral award. In doing so, the Court of Appeal confirmed the bounds of contractual interpretation, including the principle that the analysis must remain grounded in the text of the contract. 

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Québec – Statutory tribunal chair disqualified for bias for comments made in presence of witness during hearing break – #582

In Terrebonne Police Brotherhood Inc. v Truchon, 2022 QCCS 34, Justice Poulin granted, in part, the plaintiff union’s application for judicial review of a decision rendered by a three-person statutory tribunal. The tribunal had dismissed the union’s motion for an order disqualifying the entire tribunal based upon comments made by the chair, which were overheard by a witness and an observer during a break in the hearing. Justice Poulin set aside the tribunal’s ruling and found that those comments demonstrated both a lack of impartiality and a lack of open mind on the part of the chair, which warranted his disqualification. However, the other two members of the panel were not disqualified, even though they contributed to the unanimous decision dismissing the union’s motion. The chair’s comments could not be imputed to them.

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Ontario – It’s not cricket: Ontario court emphasizes arbitral awards must include reasons – #580

In Alberta Cricket Association v. Alberta Cricket Council, 2021 ONSC 8451, Justice Perell took the rare step of setting aside an arbitral award for failing to state the reasons on which it was based. Justice Perell found that the arbitrator of a sports-related dispute had failed to deliver adequate reasons and so he set aside the award and directed a new arbitration to be conducted before a different arbitrator.

Continue reading “Ontario – It’s not cricket: Ontario court emphasizes arbitral awards must include reasons – #580”