In Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc. v. Concord Pacific Developments Ltd., 2024 BCCA 128, the Court granted leave to appeal an award on the basis that there was arguable merit to the position that a panel of arbitrators had erred in law by allowing the factual matrix and post-contractual conduct to overwhelm a contract—effectively creating a new agreement. A vendor and purchaser arbitrated the application of a zoning by-law to a land purchase agreement: higher density under the by-law equated to higher compensation owing to the vendor. The arbitral tribunal ruled in the vendor’s favour. On preliminary review at the leave to appeal stage, the Court found it arguable that the tribunal had erred in law by interpreting the factual matrix in a manner that was isolated from the words of the purchase agreement. The Court said that resolution on appeal would require careful consideration of the tribunal’s reasoning and the evidentiary record. Arguments on the merits of the appeal have recently taken place and a decision from a division of the Court is pending.
Continue reading “Jonathan’s 2024 Hot Topic – The “overwhelming principle” applied – #886”B.C. – Court adopts award-centric review for questions of law – #869
In Desert Properties Inc. v. G&T Martini Holdings Ltd, 2024 BCCA 320, the Court rejected challenges to a liability award and an interest award in disputes stemming from a major property development. The Court dismissed applications for leave to appeal and cross-appeal for failure to demonstrate extricable errors of law in the liability award. The Court also ruled there was insufficient merit in a proposed appeal from a BCSC decision which had declined to set aside the interest award. Both parties have kept the B.C. courts busy with multiple challenges to these arbitral awards, generating three Case Comments in recent months. It can be argued that the Court’s mode of analysing extricable errors of law for the purposes of appeal has changed (perhaps ever so slightly) since its decision in Escape 101 Ventures Inc. v. March of Dimes Canada, 2022 BCCA 294, in which it found that misapprehensions of evidence that go the core of the outcome of a case are extricable errors of law.
Continue reading “B.C. – Court adopts award-centric review for questions of law – #869”Ontario – Motion to strike civil claims in court waives arbitration rights – #847
In RH20 North America Inc. v. Bergmann, 2024 ONCA 445, the Court upheld the dismissal of a motion to stay court proceedings. Before a motions judge, several defendants succeeded in striking a number of civil claims on the basis that they disclosed no reasonable cause of action. But seeking such relief in court was treated as waiver of an agreement to arbitrate disputes. As a result, instead of international arbitration in London, breach of contract and conspiracy claims will now be determined by the Ontario courts.
Continue reading “Ontario – Motion to strike civil claims in court waives arbitration rights – #847”Ontario – Arbitrators cannot ignore the law or defy the Court – #836
In Eyelet Investment Corp. v. Song, 2024 ONSC 2340, the Divisional Court’s decision starts with: “Domestic arbitrations in Ontario must be decided in accordance with the law. Arbitrators are accorded broad deference for matters within their jurisdiction and in defining the scope of their jurisdiction. But they are not free to ignore the law or to decide cases in accordance with their whims”. In Eyelet, the Court set aside the damages award from an arbitration concerning repudiated real estate transactions. The Court identified multiple instances where the arbitrator defied directions from the Supreme Court to determine the claims and remedies on remittal. Rather than following the law, the arbitrator addressed damages in accordance with his sense of fairness. The Court directed the damages and cost determinations to a new arbitrator.
Continue reading “Ontario – Arbitrators cannot ignore the law or defy the Court – #836”B.C. – Corrected award resets appeal time limits – #822
In Desert Properties Inc. v. G&T Martini Holdings Ltd., 2024 BCCA 24, the Court determined that when an arbitral tribunal corrects an award, the time to seek leave to appeal runs from the date of issuance of the corrected award (“Corrected Award”). The appeal limitation period is not linked to party receipt of the original award (“Original Award”), irrespective of whether the grounds of appeal concern award corrections. The Court’s decision under Arbitration Act, SBC 2020, c. 2 (the “Act”) is consistent with other authorities which have considered the interplay between corrected awards and time limits for award challenges.
Continue reading “B.C. – Corrected award resets appeal time limits – #822”Jonathan Reflects (2023): Litigation Muscle Memory – #803
The festive season is a time for sharing. I’m re-gifting to Arbitration Matters readers a present I received at the end of a complex arbitration. My co-counsel in the arbitration remarked, “You know, litigation muscle memory is really strong.”
Continue reading “Jonathan Reflects (2023): Litigation Muscle Memory – #803”Québec – Arbitration clauses bind parties only, even if parallel proceedings – #780
In Clinique Ovo inc. v. Elite IVF, 2023 QCCA 1097, the Court determined that an arbitration clause barred some, but not all third-party claims. The factual matrix underlying this decision is convoluted: two agreements; similar but not identical arbitration clauses; and multiple actors. The background facts are sensational: an alleged fraudulent in vitro impregnation involving parties in Geneva and Cyprus; a birth in Monaco; disputed support payments required from a bewildered father; and, inevitably, litigation with third-party claims raising issues of arbitration clause interface with the court proceedings. Against this backdrop, the Court of Appeal decision is grounded in a key and decisive first principle: arbitration clauses bind parties to the agreement, not strangers.
Continue reading “Québec – Arbitration clauses bind parties only, even if parallel proceedings – #780”New Brunswick – Arbitration award not trigger for discoverability of related claim– #764
In Architecture 2000 Inc. v. Moncton, 2023 NBCA 50, a unanimous Court of Appeal summarily dismissed civil claims of breach of contract and negligence in the design and management of a building addition. While the appeal turned on New Brunswick’s limitations legislation, claims made in an earlier arbitration from the same construction project were crucial to this outcome, as explained below. The decision exemplifies problems that can arise in a dispute in which there are multiple contracts at issue, when some players are parties to some contracts but not others, and when an arbitration agreement covers only some of the disputes between the various contracting players.
Continue reading “New Brunswick – Arbitration award not trigger for discoverability of related claim– #764”Federal – Stay test may vary – no Canadian standard arbitration stay provision – #755
In General Entertainment and Music Inc. v Gold Line Telemanagement Inc., 2023 FCA 148, a unanimous Federal Court of Appeal (Webb, Rennie, and Locke, JJA) upheld a stay of court proceedings in a copyright and trademark infringement action. As a result, complicated disputes about party identity will be resolved in the international arbitration, not by the court which heard the motion to stay. The decision underscores a key stay of proceedings principle: complex questions of fact or mixed fact and law relating to arbitral jurisdiction should first be referred to the arbitrator. This is so even in the absence of a standard statutory stay of proceedings provision, as occurred in this case. Stay considerations differ by jurisdiction and context, domestic or international, and it is not an invariable technical prerequisite that a party must apply for the stay before taking any step in the court proceedings.
Continue reading “Federal – Stay test may vary – no Canadian standard arbitration stay provision – #755”B.C. –Issue estoppel may bind tribunal to prior arbitration award – #741
In Kingsgate Property Ltd. v Vancouver School District No. 39, 2023 BCSC 560, Justice Stephens granted leave to appeal from an arbitral award in a rent renewal dispute, in which the Arbitral Tribunal elected not to follow the interpretation of a key contractual provision from an arbitral award rendered decades earlier. In both rental renewal disputes, a key issue was a market value provision in a long-term lease of property. Justice Stephens found that the proper interpretation of a previous arbitral award and whether the Arbitral Tribunal properly applied the doctrine of issue estoppel raised questions of law. The leave grant decision will permit further court consideration of interesting and novel questions concerning the application of the doctrine of issue estoppel in an arbitration context.
Continue reading “B.C. –Issue estoppel may bind tribunal to prior arbitration award – #741”